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from frankish *hattjan. compare haïr. its meaning of 'to hate' describes a lesser hatred, closer to annoyance, uncomfortability, or slight offputness, as compared to ozir, which is closer to loathing, and porsecre, which is a strong disliking or general disliking. hayir can describe negative feelings towards people or things one had and continues to have mostly positive feelings towards.

this verb conjugates like: hayir

infinitive: hayir

past participle: hayi

present participle: hayanz

indicative mood

present imperfect past historic ante present ante past
jo hayo hayai fuvi fuvai ao fu ahuvi fu
to es essais fuvis fuvais as fu ahuvis fu
ille e essait fuvit fuvait a fu ahuvit fu
nos som essaim fuvim fuvaim avam fu ahuvim fu
vos êts essaiz fuviz fuvaiz avaz fu ahuviz fu
illes sont essaint fuvront fuvaint ont fu ahuvront fu

potential mood

future conditional ante future ante conditional
jo erro errai arro fu arrai fu
to erras errais arras fu arrais fu
ille erra errait arra fu arrait fu
nos erram erraim arram fu arraim fu
vos erraz erraiz arraz fu arraiz fu
illes errant erraint arrant fu arraint fu

subjunctive mood

present imperfect ante present
jo sue fusse aye fu
to sues fusses ayes fu
ille sue fusse aye fu
nos suem fussem ayem fu
vos suez fussez ayez fu
illes suent fussent ayent fu

passive voice

present past subjunctive
jo essor fuvor suer
to essars fuvars suers
ille essart fuvart suert
nos essamor fuvamor suemor
vos essazor fuvazor suezor
illes essantor fuvantor suentor

imperative mood

jo sue
to sues
ille sue
nos suem
vos suez
illes suent